
Published on:

25th Aug 2023

Toke Up For Cannabis Stories

This is our trailer for Cannabis Stories where we will take stories of those who have danced with Mary Jane, guzzled the Tea of the Beats, or dabbled with the dabs produced today. It's about damn time we had a podcast to tell the stories we wish we could share. No worries, your boss won't know, because they already sent in their own story. Join T Alan as we tell the stories of those who know what they know if you know what we mean. 


You can reach out to us Tell us your stories, we will alter your voice and not use your name. 

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Show artwork for Cannabis Stories

About the Podcast

Cannabis Stories
Hey there, all you curious cats and budding aficionados of the herbaceous wonderland! Ready to embark on a sonic journey that’ll take you through the verdant landscapes of cannabis culture? Well, look no further, because you’ve just stumbled upon the auditory goldmine that is ”Cannabis Stories,” the brainchild of yours truly, T Alan. Cue the funky bass line!

Picture this: a place where we unwrap the layers of the cannabis leaf to reveal the tapestry of stories it holds – from its ancient roots as a medicinal muse to its modern-day rockstar status in counterculture movements and holistic wellness. Oh yeah, we’re diving deep, my friends, and we’re doing it with style.

But why, you ask, do we need another podcast about the herb? Ah, great question, intrepid explorer of all things cool. You see, ”Cannabis Stories” isn’t just another podcast – it’s a communal campfire around which we gather to share tales of inspiration, transformation, and education. As the cultural tides shift and the herb’s legality spreads like wildfire, there’s a craving for authentic narratives that cut through the haze of misinformation. This podcast is your compass, guiding you through the dense forest of strains, stigmas, and sensationalism.

Expect to be regaled with conversations that span the spectrum – from heartfelt testimonials of individuals who’ve found healing and solace in the plant’s embrace, to the pioneers who’ve tirelessly championed its cause through the decades. We’re talking explorations of its chemistry, its role in art and music, its connection to mindfulness and creativity, and even its culinary capers. Yep, that means cannabis-infused avocado toast recipes and more.

So, whether you’re a seasoned herbal sage or a wide-eyed newcomer, ”Cannabis Stories” promises to deliver the goods, all wrapped up in a velvety soundscape that’ll make your ears tingle with delight. Tune in, toke up (if that’s your thing), and get ready to immerse yourself in tales that’ll expand your mind and light up your soul.

Stay groovy, stay curious, and stay tuned for ”Cannabis Stories” – where we’re elevating the conversation, one toke – I mean, one episode – at a time

About your host

Profile picture for Tim Brien

Tim Brien